Medicare Coverage

Does Medicare Cover Addiction Rehab?

Active addiction to substances, including alcohol, is a disease. And like all diseases, it needs to be treated. For this...

Does Medicare Cover Foreign Travel?

At some point in your life, you’re likely to consider traveling outside of the United States. Perhaps a vacation in...

Does Medicare Cover Fertility Treatments?

Fertility issues are not an issue for most Medicare beneficiaries. By age 65, most of us have already had kids...

Does Medicare Cover Physical Therapy?

If Medicare covers you and you have an illness or injury that requires physical therapy, you may wonder, “What does...

Does Medicare Cover Cancer Treatments?

If you have received a cancer diagnosis, you may be concerned about which cancer treatments, supplies, services, and prescription drugs...

Does Medicare Cover Allergy Testing?

You might wonder if Medicare covers allergy testing if you’re allergic to foods, pollen, animals, or other natural substances. The...

Does Medicare Cover Funeral Expenses?

Funeral or bereavement expenses are not considered medical expenses. As a result, Medicare does not cover the funeral costs for...

Does Medicare Cover the Shingles Vaccine?

Shingles is a contagious viral infection that causes a painful rash and blisters on the skin from a condition known...

Does Medicare Cover Insulin?

Prescription medications can be difficult to keep up with financially, especially when needed to treat a chronic condition, like diabetes....

Does Medicare Cover Lab Work?

Medicare Part B covers clinical laboratory tests for diagnostics when your doctor orders them. This includes urinalysis, blood tests, tissue...