Medicare Enrollment

Initial Enrollment Period

What is the Medicare Initial Enrollment Period? The Initial Enrollment Period is a seven-month period when new beneficiaries can enroll...

Annual Enrollment Period

What is the Medicare Advantage Annual Enrollment Period? The Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) is when Medicare beneficiaries can join, drop...

Open Enrollment Period

What is the Medicare Open Enrollment Period? During the Medicare Open Enrollment Period (OEP), Medicare Advantage and Medicare Part D...

Special Enrollment Period

What are Medicare Special Enrollment Periods? Special Enrollment Periods (SEPs) allow beneficiaries to change their Medicare Advantage plans or Medicare...

General Enrollment Period

What is the Medicare General Enrollment Period? Medicare’s General Enrollment Period (GEP) allows beneficiaries to enroll in Medicare Part A...

Enrollment Periods

What are the Medicare Enrollment Periods? Enrollment periods are designated time periods to enroll or disenroll from the various parts...

Documentation Required for Medicare in United States in 2024

To sign up for Medicare in the United States of America, you must prove that you are eligible. To do...

Can I Sign Up for Medicare If I Have Employer Health Insurance?

Your employment and access to employer health insurance have no bearing on your qualification for Medicare or your ability to...

Mistake #2: Forgetting to Sign Up for Medicare at Age 65

Most people should sign up for Medicare three months prior to their 65th birthday. You can delay enrolling if you...

Can You Get On Medicare At Age 62 or Younger?

As a general rule, you can’t get Medicare at age 62. However, three situations may allow you to have Medicare...