Medicare Options

Medicare Supplement vs Advantage: Which is Better?

Medicare Advantage plans offer more benefits, but Medicare Supplements provide more financial coverage. Decide which you need, and you’ll know...

What is Medicare Part B?

Medicare Part B is medical coverage for people with Original Medicare benefits. It covers doctor visits, preventative care, tests, durable...

What is Medicare Part D?

Medicare Part D plans are an optional benefit Medicare beneficiaries can use to get outpatient prescription drug coverage. Part D...

What is Original Medicare Coverage?

Original Medicare, sometimes called traditional Medicare, is the federal government’s health insurance system for people ages 65 and up. Individuals...

How to Qualify for Both Medicare and Medicaid: Medi-Medi

Without Medicaid, millions of people would be unable to afford their Medicare benefits. They would not be able to pay...

How to Choose a Medicare Advantage Plan in 7 Steps

Medicare Advantage is a Medicare-approved alternative to Original Medicare for your health and drug coverage. These “all-in-one” plans include Part...

Medigap vs Medicare Advantage in 3 Minutes!

While they are both private insurance, Medigap and Medicare Advantage are very different. Medigap works in lockstep with Original Medicare...

Top 5 Advantages and Disadvantages of Medicare Advantage Plans

If you are about to make plan election choices for yourself or a loved one, you might wonder about the...

How to Compare Medicare Advantage Plans

MedicareWire is the only website that lets you quickly and easily see all Medicare Advantage plans in your area and...

Is it Better to Have Medicare Advantage or Medigap?

While shopping for Medicare health insurance, particularly if you are getting your benefits for the first time, it’s important to...