Medicare Costs

Medicare Penalties

What are the Medicare Penalties? Medicare penalties occur due to late enrollment in Medicare Part B, Part D, and in...

Average Cost of Medicare Supplement Insurance in 2024

This year, the base rate premium on Medicare Supplement Insurance ranges from about $45 to more than $400 per month....

Medicare Advantage Insurance Costs at a Glance

You might find the cost structure confusing if you are new to Medicare. This is particularly true when it comes...

Medicare Out-of-Pocket Maximum in 2024

Unlike Medicare Advantage Plans, Original Medicare (Part A and B) has no maximum out-of-pocket limit. To limit costs, you need...

Understanding Medicare Premium Increases and Changes in 2024

As the 2024 Medicare Open Enrollment Period approaches, it’s crucial for Medicare beneficiaries and those planning for retirement to stay...

Are Free Medicare Advantage Plans Really Free?

Medicare Advantage plans with a zero-dollar premium aren’t free. You must continue to pay your Part B premium. Due to...

Does Medicare Cover Jaw Surgery?

If it’s medically necessary, Medicare covers TMJ treatment, including jaw surgery. Orthognathic surgery is a procedure that is medically necessary...

Why is My First Medicare Bill for 3 Months?

If you are drawing Social Security benefits, SSA will deduct your Part B premiums from your benefits each month. You...

Medicare Part B Excess Charges Explained

Healthcare providers that don’t accept Medicare’s standard rates as full payment can add up to 15% to your bill. This...

Understanding How Income Determines Medicare Premiums

Medicare, the federal health insurance program for seniors and certain individuals with disabilities, is crucial in ensuring access to affordable...