Does Medicare Cover Walk-In Bathtubs? Find Out Here!

by David Bynon, last updated

So, you’re thinking about a walk-in bathtub but wondering if Medicare covers them. They seem smart, especially if you’re worried about bathroom falls.

You’re not alone; it’s a common concern as we age. While a walk-in tub can definitely make bathroom time safer, figuring out insurance plans can be a headache.

This is especially true when dealing with Medicare. It’s often unclear what Medicare benefits cover. Don’t worry, though, because this article explains the ins and outs of Medicare coverage for walk-in bathtubs.

We’ll even explore some financial assistance options where Medicare might help with costs. This way, you can make informed choices about your bathroom and budget without the stress.

Does Medicare Pay for Walk In Tubs?
Does Medicare Pay for Walk In Tubs?

Understanding Medicare and Walk-In Tubs

Let’s get right to it: Original Medicare (we’re talking Medicare Parts A and B) usually doesn’t cover walk-in bathtubs. I know, it’s a bummer, right? It all boils down to how Medicare views these tubs – they see them as a convenience rather than medical equipment.

But before you lose hope, there are a few exceptions and alternative routes. This is where things get a little tricky with Medicare. There are situations when they might pitch in financially.

Medicare Exceptions: When “Does Medicare Cover Walk-In Bathtubs?” Has a Different Answer

Now, while those exceptions do exist, they’re not exactly common. Original Medicare might offer some help as a reimbursement, meaning they won’t pay upfront. Instead, you’d pay for the tub purchase out of pocket, then submit a claim to potentially get some money back.

Even with that option, there’s no guarantee. To have a shot, you’d need a doctor’s prescription stating the walk-in tub is a medical necessity for your specific condition, backed by a detailed letter explaining how it helps. Even then, rejection is possible, leaving you with the bill.

Medicare Advantage: Your Ticket to Coverage?

If you’re looking at Medicare and wondering, “does Medicare cover walk-in bathtubs”, Medicare Advantage plans (Part C) might be an answer. Medicare Advantage is run by private insurance companies approved by Medicare. These advantage plans often include extra benefits original Medicare doesn’t cover, such as coverage for bathroom safety.

But, and you knew there was a “but” – coverage varies by plan. So, if you’re considering a walk-in tub, check your plan’s details carefully. Call them directly to find out if they offer any help with bathroom safety devices or even home modifications.

Now for a glimmer of hope. Back in 2023, roughly 10% of Medicare Advantage plans did cover a portion of costs for these kinds of devices. This information comes from the Kaiser Family Foundation’s report “Medicare Advantage 2023 Spotlight: First Look”. It’s definitely worth exploring to see if your plan is part of that 10%.

Exploring Alternative Financial Avenues

It can be disappointing to learn that Medicare’s coverage for walk-in bathtubs is limited. However, there are more financial options than you think. This is important because a good chunk of bathroom accidents come from seniors trying to grab onto things not meant for support.

Let’s take a look at some of the ways you could get financial assistance for funding a walk-in tub:

1. Medicaid Waivers: A Potential Lifesaver

Remember how I mentioned Medicaid programs are handled by each state? That’s where waivers come in. Sometimes, Medicaid provides financial aid for medical equipment or home modifications to help folks stay in their homes. This often falls under what’s called a Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waiver.

It’s tricky though, as every state’s Medicaid program and waivers work differently. To see if your state offers financial help for a walk-in tub through Medicaid, your best bet is contacting them directly. Check with your state’s Medicaid office. They’re the pros.

2. Veterans Benefits: Supporting Those Who Served

If you’re a veteran, you might be eligible for assistance from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). These benefits aren’t just about healthcare, they can extend to home modifications too. It makes sense since walk-in tubs are about safety and independence. The VA gets that.

There are different types of VA benefits: some function like additional health insurance, while others help with specific needs. Sadly, standard TRICARE and CHAMPVA usually won’t cover walk-in tubs because, to them, these tubs don’t fall under durable medical equipment.

That said, VA benefits programs like the Specially Adapted Housing (SAH) grant or the Special Home Adaptation (SHA) grant offer hope. These are designed for disabled veterans with service-related disabilities and could cover a walk-in tub. Even the Home Improvements and Structural Alterations (HISA) grant, which assists aging vets, could help in certain situations.

3. Grants: Finding Hidden Gems

You’ve likely heard of grants. Did you know there’s one offered by the US Department of Agriculture that might help with a walk-in tub? Shocking, I know. But this isn’t just for farmers. The “Rural Repair and Rehabilitation Loans and Grants for Seniors” program aims to help low-income seniors living in, you guessed it, rural areas. The goal? To make their homes safer.

And yes, that can include accessibility modifications like a walk-in tub. The thought is that by helping folks stay in their own homes safely, they might avoid more expensive care down the line. Smart, huh?

4. Don’t Forget Tax Deductions

This one often slips people’s minds but paying for medical expenses can get pricey. A walk-in tub, if deemed medically necessary by your doctor, can sometimes be classified as a medical expense. That means the cost, installation included, might be deductible on your taxes.

Now, I’m not a tax expert, but it’s worth checking with a qualified professional to understand if a walk-in tub fits those criteria in your case. Even if you’re a caregiver installing the tub for someone else in your home, like an elderly parent, you might qualify for tax benefits like the Dependent Care Tax Credit.

What Does a Walk-In Tub Cost? And Ways to Potentially Save Money

Okay, let’s talk numbers because at the end of the day we’re all wondering the same thing – how much will this set me back? Prices can vary a lot depending on size, features, the company you choose… even your location can play a role (just like anything else, location, location, location). Think about the housing market. Some cities are consistently more expensive than others. But that doesn’t mean we should all move, because it is just one data point.

According to Consumer Affairs, you’re looking at anywhere from $1,500 to a whopping $20,000 for a walk-in tub. But, let’s break that down.

Type of Walk-In Tub Typical Price Range (Before Installation)
Basic models $2,000 – $5,000
Wheelchair accessible with more features $5,000 – $10,000 (or even higher)

See? That already makes it less intimidating right?

And then, there’s installation which adds a whole other layer to the financial puzzle. We are talking bathroom renovations after all, and things add up. Sometimes a quick fix isn’t so quick. It can be a big job if you factor in things like plumbing changes or modifications needed to make the space work with the new tub. Installing a new bathroom could involve hiring plumbers, electricians, and maybe even a general contractor. It’s like a home improvement project avalanche waiting to happen.

Installation Considerations

Don’t just glance over this. Labor costs for plumbers and electricians differ depending on where you live. Then there’s the matter of your hot water heater. Standard tank water heaters usually accommodate a typical bathtub but a walk-in tub? It holds more water and that might mean an upgrade for the water heater is needed. All that being said, it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t take a closer look because there are ways to save, like doing some parts of the install ourselves or finding creative funding options like grants.

Saving Money:

Everyone wants to find deals. With walk-in tubs, you actually can find them, especially if you’re willing to be a bit flexible and strategic.

  • Shop around: Each company has different pricing. See who has sales, financing options, or discounts, because they can really add up to significant savings.
  • Consider off-season purchases: Remember those “back-to-school” or “Black Friday” sales we look forward to? That applies here, too. Buying a tub during the off-season when demand’s lower can lead to some savings.
  • Explore pre-owned tubs: Just like with cars, there’s a market for gently used or refurbished walk-in tubs at lower prices than brand-new models. However, carefully check the tub’s condition and any warranties included, so you don’t end up with a dud.


So, to answer the question that brought you here, “does Medicare cover walk in bathtubs?”: typically, no. However, there are glimmers of hope with potential reimbursements or specific situations that could tip the scales in your favor. Plus, Medicare Advantage plans and their extra perks offer another possibility.

If you find that Medicare isn’t stepping up, don’t despair. Exploring alternative avenues, like Medicaid waivers, VA programs, or even grants might surprise you with their flexibility and generosity towards aging-in-place initiatives.

A walk-in bathtub is an investment in safety and independence, even if Medicare isn’t footing the bill. By exploring all the options, you’re taking charge of your well-being on your terms.

FAQs About Does Medicare Cover Walk-In Tubs?

Does Medicare cover walk-in tubs for seniors with arthritis?

Generally, Original Medicare (Parts A and B) don’t cover walk-in tubs, even for seniors with arthritis. This is because Medicare sees walk-in tubs as a comfort and convenience feature, rather than “durable medical equipment” (DME). But don’t lose hope. You might qualify for reimbursement through Original Medicare or find that some Medicare Advantage plans (Part C) provide some coverage. However, coverage is determined on a case-by-case basis and often requires proof from a doctor that the tub is medically necessary due to the arthritis.

What’s a letter of medical necessity for a walk-in tub?

Think of it like a doctor’s note, but more official (and important) for trying to get financial help. This letter outlines why a walk-in tub is critical for your health rather than just something nice to have. It connects your specific medical condition, whether that’s arthritis or mobility issues, directly to how a walk-in tub would improve your life.

It’s like when a doctor prescribes specific medical equipment, the letter backs up *why* you need *that* thing (in this case, the tub) to stay healthy and safe. Keep in mind, a doctor has to write this. You can’t write one for yourself.

Would Social Security help pay for a walk-in shower?

Social Security benefits aren’t typically designed to directly cover home modifications like a walk-in shower. Their focus is more on providing income, not paying for those types of projects. But here’s a thought – if your Social Security income is your only source of income and it’s very limited, you *might* be eligible for programs that could assist. For example, Medicaid. It’s completely separate from Social Security, but your income level from Social Security might make you eligible for Medicaid. That said, if you’re already receiving other types of aid through government programs because of a very low income, exploring programs within your state or county might be a good place to start.

Can you claim a walk-in tub on your taxes?

Sometimes yes, but it depends. For tax purposes, the IRS focuses on things directly related to medical care. A doctor needs to deem the walk-in tub medically necessary for you to potentially qualify for a tax break. They’ll help you determine if this is applicable and what documentation you’ll need for filing. So always best to reach out to them to be 100% sure rather than guessing.

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