Do Medicare Supplement Plans Cover Annual Physicals?

by David Bynon, last updated

Many people approaching Medicare eligibility wonder, do Medicare Supplement plans cover annual physicals? This is a common question, especially since staying on top of your health becomes more critical as you age. However, understanding Medicare coverage can be confusing.

Let’s break it down together so you can feel confident about your healthcare choices.

A 65-year-old woman is in her doctor's office for her annual wellness visit and asks, "Do Medicare Supplement Plans Cover Annual Physicals?"

Does Medicare Cover Annual Physicals?

The short answer is that Original Medicare doesn’t cover routine annual physical exams in the way most people picture them. Medicare covers services needed to diagnose or treat health conditions, not general wellness checkups.

However, that doesn’t mean you’re out of luck regarding preventive care with Medicare. Medicare does offer coverage for two important types of visits that can help you stay healthy: the “Welcome to Medicare” visit and annual wellness visits.

These visits can include a health risk assessment questionnaire and reviewing your family’s medical history. It’s also a great time to share your health concerns with your doctor.

Welcome to Medicare Visit

Once you enroll in Medicare Part B, you’re eligible for a one-time “Welcome to Medicare” preventive visit within your first 12 months of coverage. This visit is an introductory checkup that allows you to discuss your medical history, risk factors, and preventive care with your doctor.

You can get important measurements like your weight and blood pressure, and review your medications, but it’s not considered a full physical. Medicare fully covers this visit, so you don’t have any out-of-pocket costs. You can learn more about the specifics of this visit on – Welcome to Medicare Preventative Visit.

Annual Wellness Visits

After you’ve been enrolled in Medicare Part B for more than a year, you’re eligible for yearly “wellness” visits. You can get this checkup once every 12 months to update your health plan and talk with your doctor about preventing future health problems. This isn’t a true physical examination like the Welcome to Medicare visit.

The focus is more on identifying any health issues and planning for your future healthcare needs, which might include a medical history review. Medicare Part B fully covers annual wellness visits with no out-of-pocket costs, provided your doctor accepts Medicare assignment. To see what all is included, you can check out the details on – Annual Wellness Visits.

What About Preventive Tests?

Even though Original Medicare doesn’t cover a standard annual physical, they DO cover a wide range of preventive screening services. This includes tests for cancer, cardiovascular disease, and other health conditions. Some are fully covered by Medicare, while others might require co-payments.

Preventative care often depends on medical necessity. Talking to your doctor during your yearly Medicare visit can be helpful because they can recommend preventive screening based on your needs. This appointment also gives you the chance to discuss important topics like cognitive function, social activity, and your personal safety level.

Do Medicare Supplement Plans Help Cover the Gap?

This is where Medicare Supplement (Medigap) plans come into play. Let’s answer the big question: Do Medicare Supplement plans cover annual physicals? Medigap plans don’t explicitly cover routine physicals, and Original Medicare doesn’t either.

However, Medigap helps pick up some of the costs Medicare doesn’t cover, like co-pays, co-insurance, and deductibles for other medically necessary services or tests. Medigap plans are secondary to Original Medicare.

Here’s how it works: During your annual wellness visit, if your doctor decides you need a blood test because you have some risk factors, it may not be fully covered by Medicare Part B. Medicare might only offer partial coverage for the cost of that blood test, leaving you to pay the remaining percentage. However, a Medigap plan may cover that remaining balance, less your Part B deductible.

Of course, this is a general overview, and different Medigap plans have varying levels of coverage. If having your routine physical expenses covered is important, research different Medigap plans to see which one best fits your needs. Talking with a licensed insurance agent specializing in Medicare is also a good idea.

They can help you determine the plan that best meets your personal healthcare needs and financial situation. They can also determine whether a Medigap plan covers annual physicals and what alternative options are available.

Getting the Most Out of Your Medicare Coverage

Navigating Medicare can feel complex. However, these key points help you take advantage of the available coverage—They’re free preventive care and give you the chance to discuss any concerns you have with your doctor, discuss your activity levels, and complete:

  • Schedule those annual wellness visits – It’s free preventive care and gives you the chance to discuss any concerns you have with your doctor, your activity levels, and get a risk assessment questionnaire.
  • Talk to your doctor about the preventative tests covered by Medicare, like mammograms, colonoscopies, and diabetes screenings. These can catch issues early.
  • Consider whether a Medigap plan would give you more peace of mind when covering potential out-of-pocket costs, even for things ordered during free visits.
  • Research Medicare Advantage (Part C) plans if you want broader coverage options that sometimes include extra benefits, like some gym memberships. However, remember that these usually come with different provider networks and monthly premiums.
  • Don’t hesitate to contact Medicare directly with any questions you have. You can find their contact information and lots of helpful resources on They are there to help.

Remember, even though Original Medicare and Medigap plans may not fully cover annual physicals as a specific item, other options could fit your needs. If coverage for routine check-ups is important, explore different Medicare Advantage plans that might cover such exams.

This is potentially a suitable solution if you seek more than basic Medicare coverage. The best way to make a confident, well-informed choice is to talk to a licensed insurance agent about whether Medicare Supplement plans cover annual physicals and what alternatives may exist.

FAQs about Do Medicare Supplement Plans Cover Annual Physicals

Does Medicare Supplement Cover An Annual Physical?

Medicare Supplement plans (Medigap) do not explicitly cover routine annual physical exams in the same way that they cover costs associated with other Medicare-approved services. This is because Original Medicare doesn’t provide coverage for routine physicals.

Does The AARP Medicare Supplement Cover Annual Physicals?

Like all Medicare Supplement plans, AARP Medigap plans don’t specifically cover routine physical exams since they aren’t covered services under Original Medicare.

Why Are Routine Physicals Not Covered by Medicare?

Medicare is primarily focused on providing coverage for healthcare services needed to diagnose or treat medical conditions, so it generally doesn’t cover preventative care, such as a yearly routine physical exam. Medicare does offer coverage for annual wellness visits and specific preventive screening tests, focusing on proactive healthcare rather than general wellness exams.

This coverage reflects Medicare’s overall objective of supporting medical care, primarily addressing existing medical issues. In 2011, Medicare expanded their preventative care to include the Annual Wellness Visit, and today it includes an extensive list of valuable preventative care options.

How Often Will Medicare Pay for A Physical Exam?

Original Medicare does not cover regular annual physical exams. However, it will pay 100% for one “Welcome to Medicare” preventative physical within your first 12 months of joining Part B. This introductory exam allows your physician to perform basic assessments and review your medications.

After your first year of Medicare, you are entitled to annual wellness visits (AWV) covered once every 12 months. These appointments involve establishing a health plan with your doctor, assessing health risks, discussing advance care planning, and addressing other preventative healthcare considerations.


So, when asked whether Medicare supplement plans cover annual physicals, the direct answer is generally no. Medigap plans are there to fill the gaps in Original Medicare’s coverage, not add extra benefits beyond what’s already offered. However, they can be very valuable by helping you pay for costs you’d otherwise be responsible for—even during visits that Medicare covers, like those annual wellness checks.

The key takeaway? Understanding what Medicare does and doesn’t cover regarding physical exams and preventive services helps you make smart decisions to optimize your healthcare experience and budget. And when thinking about do Medicare Supplement plans cover annual physicals, know there are other options for full coverage if you want it – researching those is important, too.

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